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In the near future, Pirate Girl PR will chart a new course for public relations. Hold tight, I’m hoisting my sails.

Posted by on May 28, 2011

Yes, the name is a bit unconventional. But if you’d worked in corporate public relations and marketing for twenty years, you’d be ready to fly your Jolly Roger, too. Pirate Girl founder Jennifer Holder has helped build the brand and image of the largest Tennessee-chartered bank noted for twelve consecutive years as East Tennessee’s Best Bank* through a synthesis of marketing, advertising, media relations, community relations, sponsorships, and public relations. Inspired by a lifelong fascination with the unabashed life of Keith Richards, along with a pirate’s hat tip to the affectations of Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirate Girl is our way of saying we’re ready for the headwinds. We’re shooting across the bow to announce East Tennessee’s newest public relations and marketing consultancy in a bold way. We swagger and boast and sometimes use colorful language. And we’re not afraid to take on seemingly unwinnable battles. We’re ready to chart your course to buried treasure.

*Source: Knoxville News-Sentinel’s East Tennessee Readers’ Poll

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